the concept.
This retail second 3C store is an interesting one in our retail design projects.
The client has a core request – to make the one and only stylish store for his employee and customers, who can totally have a good time there. The idea is to use #eco-friendly materials, and keep their original texture as much as possible; we choose some cool materials, as the #compositeboard, #plywood… of course, #metal, #glass, and #lighting.
As for the function, the shop owner asked us to develop a series of display case for used MacBook Air, iPhone, iPad, iMac, and some other expensive electronic items, for example, DSLR, Play Station... etc.
There is a basic idea, these display store fixture must be able to duplicated from one store to another, which means, it is inevitable to develop a serios of modular system; it must be easy to ship and easy to assembly.
We understand that they have a store in Taipei and want to explore their sales points to other cities, even aboard. As we know, they have the plan to open a new store soon. We take the opportunity and create a very cool system for them.
For wall, the design is shifted from our supermarket gondola, big rectangular pipe, with horizontal connecting pipe, add-on glass showcase. There are also display showcase standing on the ground. Sharing the same cabinet, we can change it’s function by replacing different top designs.
Our products is not just made for now, but also made for future.
クライアントには、従業員と顧客のために唯一のスタイリッシュな店を作り、そこで完全に楽しい時間を過ごすことができるというコアな要求があります。アイデアは、#eco-friendly素材を使用し、可能な限り元のテクスチャーを維持することです。 #compositeboard、#plywood…もちろん、#metal、#glass、#lightingなどのクールな素材を選択します。
機能については、店主から中古のMacBook Air、iPhone、iPad、iMacなど、デジタル一眼レフやプレイステーションなどの高価な電子機器用の一連の陳列ケースの開発を依頼されました。